Monday, October 31, 2011

Oct 31st 2011

A. Back Squat @ 65% + Bands- 12 x 2 EMOM
@ 205...felt just ok...not to slow not to fast

B. Dead Lift @ 65% + Bands- 6 x 2 EMOM
@ 275..felt Heavy

C1. Hang Squat Clean- 5 x 3 heavy; rest 10 sec
Weights: 185, 195, 200, 205, 215

C2. Burpee Broad Jump- 5 x 6 AFAP; rest 3 min
All sets were under 38 seconds

D. GHD Sit ups- 3 x 20; rest 1 min
 This hurt, I am not great at for the first 10-12 of each set and slow after that 


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Barbells for Boobs

Great day with the crew! Everyone had some AWESOME times and I am so proud to be coaching all of them. We got to the event around 10am which was about 2 house post WOD#1 for me! Got wrmed up and hit the WOD with some great times. It was a great event put on By Northridge Fitness and had some good food to follow. Here are some images from the event.

Oct 29th 2011

A. Push Press- heavy single
205, missed 215 by just a lil'..haha
100m sprint; rest 3 min x 6
Felt good and fast

-3 hour rest-
30 Cl & J, 135#
Treated this as training and went as many UB as possible no pacing, OUCH maybe a bad idea but hit 14 UB and tried to hang on after that. Hit a 30sec PR.

Time: 2:20

Friday, October 28, 2011

Oct 28th 2011

A. Back Squat- build to heavy 3; rest as needed

285x3 (pr)

B. "Karen" 150 wall ball for time- no pacing, start with as many unbroken wall ball as possible and hang on to the finish from there.

6:19 (pr) did 55 UB

Thursday, October 27, 2011

BodPod Test....

So I hit up the BodPod at the REC today and the results were higher than I thought. My BF% is 16.6 and lean body mass is 137lbs. This information was given to Matt Baird who is working on a new style of diet and nutrition for me. I will find out all the information on Sunday night after I recieve my week of training. I know we will NOT be counting calories and will be eating MOSTLY paleo foods. We will be focused on the corret foods and times for that days training and will look at each week differently. I will post more nutrition info as I get it...I am PUMPED to start this and see where it can take me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oct 26th 2011

A. Power Snatch x 1/Hang Squat Snatch x 1- x 5 sets; rest 3 min
Well, not feeling to hot this morning but went for it anyway...Power stuff felt good but the hang stuff didn't. Here is 2 different video views so lets see what I am doing wrong???
125,130,130,135,140-missed HSS
125 above and 130 below
B. Grace Skill work- Clean and Jerk x 5 TnG; 5 sets; rest 60 sec; heavy as possible
155 for all sets, cleans felt easy and the first 3 of each set were actually good jerks...after got tired the lockout was bad and more like a push press but that is better than all PP.
C. Prowler Sprint 20 sec x 5; rest 3:40; heavy and fast
OUCH,OUCH...3 plates...
a slight sprinting kick we are on and legs and lungs hate it
30+ min bike/hike/swim easy pace!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oct 25th 2011

A. Split Jerk Cluster- 4 x; rest 4 min
200, 210, 215-missed #4, 220-missed #4
B. Jerk (split or power)- 3 x 8; rest 2 min (heavy as possible)
feels weak but- 165,175,175
C. Powell Raise @ 30X0; 3 x 8/arm

Airdyne Sprints
25 sec; rest 2:35 x 5
Rest 10 min
25 sec; rest 2:35 x 5

Have not felt that bad in a LONG time...this sucked!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct 24th 2011

A. Back Squat @ 225lbs + 4 red bands; 12 x 2 EMOM
Messed up last week and went off of a 300lb back squat not 320 so I did that for this week as well. Felts slow in the middle.
set one above and twelve below
B. Dead Lift @ 300lbs + 2 blue bands; 6 x 2 EMOM
Felt way to heavy but done!

C. Front Squat @ 30X0; 3 x 7; rest 3 min
185, 195, 195......OUCH on that tempo!
D. Snatch Pull @ 180lbs of Snatch; 3 x 6; rest 2 min
Felt great, fast!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oct 22nd 2011

10 min Z1 warm up- include mobility
6 sets; rest 3:30
30 sec uphill sprint
10 min Z1 cool down
rest 1+ hours

These were tough....felt LONG

5-7 sets; rest 5 min
5 heavy Front Squat
10 CTB Pull ups
20 Double Unders AFAP

First 2 sets of DU's were broken up but last five UB, All pull-ups UB.
Weights- 185,195,205,215,225,235,245(5RM PR)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oct 21st 2011

A. Snatch Grip Dead Lift- build to heavy 3; not 3RM- focus on good form keeping your hips down in the pull, don’t go so heavy you loose form. below

B. Clean Pull @ 105% of 1RM snatch; 3 x 3
C. Snatch ladder 1-5 AMRAP in 5 min @ 95#
2 Rounds +1+2+3+4.... 7 more reps from last week

A. Bench Press- 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2 waveload; rest 2 min
210, 220, 230, 215, 225, 245
12 min amrap
5 Muscle Ups

7Rds + 2MU's

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oct 19th 2011

A. Power Clean build to heavy double- not 2RM
185x2, 205x2.....215..not so 1..feeling crappy today
5 sets; rest 4 min
5 Hang Power Clean- FAST w/ moderate load
8 Hurdle hops

155 all sets- 19sec, 20sec, 16sec, 15sec, 15sec


Airdyne Sprints @ 100%
20 sec; rest 2:40 x 4
Rest 10 min practicing HS walking
20 sec; rest 2:40 x 4


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oct 18th 2011

A. Split Jerk Cluster- 4 x 2.2.2; rest 4 min
B. 25 Legless Rope Climb 15’ for time
16:52, still feeling training with MattB...but ouch this hurt!!!
C. Ring HSPU max in 5 min
28..wanted over 30 but went right into it after rope climbs

3 sets; rest 10 min
10 Burpees AFAP
25 KB Swings, 70#
800m Run

Sets- 4:18 / 4:49 / 4:54
All KBS UB ..the run got to me after round one...everything else was same pace throughout

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oct 17th 2011

A.  Back Squat @ 70% + 4 red bands- 12 x 2 EMOM
Heavy but good speed

B. Dead Lift @ 70% + 2 blue bands- 6 x 2 EMOM
HEAVY...form slacked a bit

C. Hang Squat Clean- 3 x 3; rest 2 min (heavy)
195, 205, 215

D1. Glute Ham Raise @ 20X0 light band added; 3 x 12; rest 1 min
D2. Strict Toes to Bar @ 2111; 3 x 10; rest 1 min

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Oct 15th 2011

Strength + Anaerobic Lactic Endurance

A. Split Jerk build to heavy single in 12 min
165, 185, 205, 220, 230-failed
4 sets; rest 10 min
10 Power Cl & J TnG, heavy but fast
20 Wall Ball 25#
Row 250m

All @ 125 - 2:13 / 2:06 / 2:17 / 2:10

Friday, October 14, 2011

Oct 14th 2011

Strength + Anaerobic Alactic Power

A. Build to tough 3 on Dead Lift; not 3RM; rest as needed
345...felt like I could go 365 but wanted to stay on a good note since DL has been bothering me. Plus bad sleep and eat the last 2 days. Have had some stuff going on.
5 sets; rest 5 min
4 heavy Power Snatch TnG
10 Burpee Broad Jump for speed not distance

Weights- 115,120,125,130,135
The weight felt good, kept feet under me...times ranged from 30-33sec each set..

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oct 12th 2011

A. Split Jerk waveload- 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min (increase load/set and reps)
Did NOT feel good at all this morning!! Shoulder bothering me big time!
5 sets; rest 5 min
5 Heavy Squat Snatch TnG
20 DU’s afap
All sets @ 115
Times: 34sec, 40sec, 35sec, 42sec, 35sec
Again, felt bad...shoulder mobility ... it WILL get better!

A. 10 min EMOM 4 MU’s
All UB..shoulder bugging me but felt great!
B. Heavy KB Snatch- 3 x 10/arm; rest 2 min build each set
53, 70, 70..left shoulder was hurting in the lock out..
C. Toes to Bar- 5 x 10 unbroken; rest 30 sec
All in 3 min total w/ rest...all fast and UB, felt good.

Strength + Anaerobic Alactic Power + Skill


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oct 11th 2011

Anerobic Lactic Power + Anaerobic Lactic Endurance

5 sets; rest 6 min
5 TnG Power Clean
20 sec Airdyne sprint

Weight: 165, 175, 185, 185, 185...Kept feet under me good on first 3 sets and the last 2 reps of the last 2 sets got a little outside but all in all way better form for a Power movement for me.

Set below at 175

3 sets; rest 12 min
Row 1000m @ 90%

Times: 3:37.1 (pr) / 3:34.7 (pr) / 3:37.7

Monday, October 10, 2011

Oct 10th 2011

Leg strength +  Anaerobic Alactic Power

A. Back Squat @ 50% + bands or chains (65% w/ no bands or chains)- 12 x 2 on the min fast!
165 plus 4 red bands, felt good and fast
B. Dead Lift @ same %'s as above- 6 x 1 on the min
215 with 2 blue bands..felt good..
C. Heavy Thrusters- 4 x 10; rest 3 min
These hurt... went 135, 140, 140, 140...below is second set at 140
D. L-sit hold- 2 min accumulated
These just hurt, with bad mobility my max is like 30 seconds and downhill from that.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Oct 8th 2011

A1. Bench Press @ 32X2; 5 x 5; rest 20 sec
185, 185, 185, 195, 195...No one to train with so didn't go as heavy
A2. Ring Row w/ weight vest and feet level w/ rings; 5 x 10 @ 32X2 tempo; rest 3 min
-Rest 10 min-
1-5 Snatch Ladder w/ 95# in 5 min

2 Rounds + 1 and 2

Friday, October 7, 2011

Oct 7th 2011

A. Barbell lunges- 5 x 7/leg; rest 4 min
135, 155, 165, 175, 185
B1. Muscle Ups; 5 x 5; rest 20 sec
B2. Sled push; 5 x 25m; rest 3 min
All MU's Unbroken! Video was set 3...

C. 10 min @ Z1 row

Did Airdyne...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oct 5th 2011

A. Snatch- 1RM
170 PR
B. Cl&J- 1RM
C. Dead Lift- 1RM
I don't even want to talk about the rest....felt dissy...and just sucked it up...gotta work!

165...sorry for the f bomb.....

3 rounds for time
25 KB Swings, 70#
25 Box Jumps, 20”

Time: 5:29

Monday, October 3, 2011

Oct 3rd 2011

A. High Bar Back Squat- build to 1RM
320 (pr)
B. Air Dyne- 10 min @ Z1; sprint 10 sec EMOM

For Time @ 100%
Row 250m
25 burpees
Row 250m
25 burpees
Row 250m

Time: 4:52
Felt like it was a good time until Jake beat me by  ONE SECOND....DANG IT!! HAHA

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Oct 1st 2011

A. Halting Clean Grip DL x 1/Clean Pull x 1; 5 sets; rest 3 min
B. Power Snatch- build to heavy single
C. KB Swings- 3 x 21 w/ 70#; rest 2 min
5:50 w/rest time...all UNBROKEN
                                               D. GHD Sit Ups- 3 x 20; rest 1 min
4:03 w/ rest