Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aug 31st 2011

4 sets; rest 4 min
3 Hang Power Clean heavy
6 Box Hurdles
9 Burpees AFAP
Sets 1: 175/31sec 2: 185/33sec 3: 195/33sec 4: 200/36sec
Felt great!!!
4 sets; rest 4 min
3 Hang Power Snatch
Row Sprint 25 seconds

Weights- 115, 125, 135, 140
Avg. pace- 1:35, 1:34, 1:32, 1:32

Post Nutrition- 40P, 50C

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aug 30th 2011

10 min Run warm up (include hip mobility/ankle mobility)
Run 3 min @ 90%
Run 3 min @ 50 % x 3
Run 1 min @ 90%
Run 1 min @ 50% x 3
Run 30 sec @ 90%
Run 30 sec @ 50% x 3
Run 10 min cool down

I felt pretty good this morning. Mentally the 50% parts got to me and I did some walking but the 90%'s felt great and as I got into the 1 minute and 30 second ones I spent more time in a run @ 50%.

Post Nutrition- 20P, 40C

 A. Tall Jerk- 3 x 3; rest 90 sec (focus on foot speed)
B. Power Jerk waveload- 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min (get heavier each set and each wave)
135,145,155 / 155,165,175 / 165,175,180
Bad at this, mobility issues I believe.
C1. Ring HSPU- 3 x amrap; rest 10 sec
C2. Back Extensions- 3 x 25; rest 2 min

Sets all took 1:12

Post Nutrition- 40P, 45C

Monday, August 29, 2011

Aug 29th 2011

A1. Front Squat @ 32X2; 5 x 4-6 reps; rest 2 min
165x6, 185x6, 195x5, 195x5, 205x4
A2. Pronated Strict Pull ups weighted @ 22X2; 5 x 4-6 reps; rest 2 min
35x6, 35x5, 35x5, 35x5, 35x5

B. Barbell Lunges @ 31X1; 3 x 7/leg; rest 3 min
95, 105, 115
C. Toes to Bar- 4 x 15; rest 60 seconds
20 seconds each set UB

Post Nutrition- 40P, 20C

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aug 27th 2011

Power Snatch 1RM
155 PR

Dead Lift- heavy single (if feeling good go for 1RM)
Felt really it my head. Back hurt a bit...only went to 365...

5 sets; rest 2:1
15 Wall Ball 25#
15 SDLHP, 95#
15 Cal Row

Set Times= 1-1:50, 2-1:50, 3-1:50, 4-1:58, 5-1:50
All WB UB, 4 sets of SDHP UB

Friday, August 26, 2011

Aug 26th 2011

A. Split Jerk Cluster 2.2.2 x 4 sets; rest 4 min (rest 10 seconds b/w each 2, use blocks)
165, 185, 195 ...205 for 2 + 1....shoulders didn't lockout

Set @ 185

B. 15 rope climbs @ 20" for time w /20lb vest
 8:21..this was rough with a vest...Arms and grip!

3 sets; Run 800m; rest 3 min
3:11, 3:09, 3:05
Very happy with the runs!!

100 abmat unanchored sit ups for time
Kind went for pacing since I usually DIE in sit-ups..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aug 24th 2011

A. Power Clean- build to heavy double


6 sets; rest 6 min
30 sec Cl&J @ 135#
30 sec KB Swings @ 70#
30 sec Box Jumps @ 30"
30 sec Burpees

Set 1- 7, 12, 10, 10
Set 2- 7, 12, 10, 11
Set 3- 7, 9, 8, 8
Set 4- 6, 11, 8, 8
Set 5- 7, 10, 9, 9
Set 6- 7, 8, 10, 9

Totals- 41 C&J / 62 KBS / 47 BoxJ / 55 Burpee

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Aug 23rd 2011

A. Close Grip Bench Press (14") build to 1RM

B. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X1- 3 x 10 reps; rest 2 min
165, 175, 175

Row 2k for time
7:28.3 PR

A. Muscle Ups- 3 EMOM 10 min
All Unbroken

B. 10 Pull Ups EMOM 10 min
All Unbroken, went between skinny and fat bar each set and did a very minimal kip that added speed to it. Each set of ten was 11-13 seconds!

5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 Unbroken Double Unders

Well that was worse than it looked...500 Double unders...yum! I messed up 4 different times but all in all felt OK..... took about 12 minutes.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Aug 22nd 2011

A. Back Squat Heavy Single
Hit 310...PR
Went from 310 to 325 and missed..think I have 315-320 in the tank..NEXT TIME!!
B.85% of Single 1x Max reps
4reps @ 265
5 Min AMRAP 1-5 ladders
Hang Squat Snatch @ 95
2 Full sets and up to 3 on the 3rd set
400m Sled Walk Slow and Steady
This was harder than I thought...started with 90lbs on the sled and dropped to just one 45 after 200m...Think sled is close to 100lbs!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Aug 20th 2011

Survival of the fittest 
Here is a little breakdown of my WOD's. I would have liked to do better but it was a weird choice of workouts that I picked and who I picked it with. So here are what WOD's I picked.

WOD 1 (win)- 3 Rope Climbs, 15 Snadbag cleans
WOD 2 (lost)- 30 Squat Cleans @ 135
* The dude I was up against crushed it....30 in 2min and 36sec...
WOD 3 (win)- Paddle Board out and back...FUN
WOD 4 (lost)- Max height Box Jump...with a tall dude..hahah
* I hit a HUGE PR and did a 2 step box jump of 52inches!!!
WOD 5 (lost)- "annie"..this is one I was mad I lost but oh well....

30 Squat Cleans for time....I did 20 by the 2 minute mark and my guy was at 28...I stopped!

It was a great weekend with friends! Mixed recovery with fun for some great tasting post WOD drinks...Thanks to Justin Key. Enjoyed seeing the awesome people from SC and getting to spend some time with members of our gym. They ALL crushed it this weekend and hope they are all proud.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Aug 18th 2011

5 sets; rest 6 min sit down
3 Heavy Dead Lifts TnG
3 Heavy Power Cleans (don’t have to be touch and go, go heavy here!)
10 Burpees AFAP

Only hit 4 sets of this, deads didn't feel real good today...think just tired..
Weights: 315/165, 325/175, 335/185, 315/195
Time: :52, :51, 1:03, 1:12(had 2 missed on power clean)

Ice Bath

12 Minutes in the ice.....yummm

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Aug 17th 2011

Tire Flipping, pistols and jumping for fun, nothing taxing just play around with it.... is the work I did..Started off with a max height box jump with one step and got 46 inches. After that worked on some KB tossing to see different techniques for the weekend, some tire flips and pistols to end it off. Followed it up with the nice run and ice bath!

Run 25-30 min @ Z1

Ice Bath


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Aug 16th 2011

4 x 25 sec Sled Sprint; rest 2:35 walk
rest 8 min (perform 30 HSPU)
4 x 25 sec Sled Sprint, rest 2:35 walk

Sprints hurt as normal...

3 Leg Less Rope Climb, 20’
GtS Stone @110# x 10
3 Leg Less Rope Climb, 20’
GtS Stone @ 110# x 10
3 Leg Less Rope Climb, 20’
GtS Stone @ 110# x 10

Time: 8:42
Not really pumped about this time...should be right at 8 minutes. I struggled with the last set of rope climbs..grip was getting BAD..but on that note I felt strong and fast on the stones!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aug 15th 2011

So today I start recording my food and I will try to keep it updated on my nutrition page.. This is the next step to my improvement.

A. Hang Squat Snatch x 1/OHS x 3- build to heavy as possible
Got 145 and got under but lost balance at 155..Happy with that because that is my 1RM Snatch

B. Front Squat- 3 x 3 @ 80% effort; rest 2 min (build each set or stay same, up to you)
@225...felt heavy, core still shredded from GHD work


5 sets; rest 3 min stay moving
5 TnG Sq Snatch @ 145#
10 Toes To Rings Unbroken
Run 400m

above is 145..

miss at 155...
This WOD made me pretty mad. Scaled to 135 and still could not go TnG.
1- 3and 2
2- 3 and 2
3- 3,1 and 1
4- 2,2 and 1
5- all singles....

Missed a bunch from not puching out and loosing the lockout...MAD...I will get it back..
All UB Toes-2-rings

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Aug 13th 2011

5 rounds
20 unbroken wall ball
20 unbroken pull ups
20 unbroken box jumps, 24"

1- 1:45
2- 1:43
3- 1:47
4- 1:45
5- 1:48
All movements Unbroken....felt good other than my freaking core from the GHD's yesterday

*you have 3 minutes to complete each round
whatever time is left over of 3 minutes is your rest
If you don't finish a round within 3 min stop there, if your with someone and you both make is through 5 rounds keep going, first one to not finish in 3 min loses.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Aug 12th 2011

A. Split Jerk- 3 x 3 @ 70%; rest 1 min
B. Split Jerk- 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 2 min
C. Split Jerk- 3 x 3 @ 90%; rest 3 min

Set 2 and 3 I missed number 1 and 3rd rep...Shoulder issues today


100 GHD Sit ups for time

First 31 UB, maybe a bad idea..haha

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aug 10th 2011

A. Power Clean x 1/Hang Clean x 1/Front Squat x 2; 5 sets; rest 2 min

Ok, Power Clean was a little ugly but oh well....weight here is 205!!

Went 165, 185, 195, 205, 210

5 sets; rest 3
Row 250
10 Burpees afap
15 Box Jumps, 20"
set 1....

Sets- 1:35, 1:33, 1:31, 1:38, 1:34

rest 10 min

set 6 of 10...ouch!
5 sets; rest 3 min
15 Box Jumps, 20"
10 Burpees afap
Row 250

Sets- 1:35, 1:37, 1:36, 1:40, 1:36

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aug 9th 2011

8 sets; rest 4 min
1 legless rope climb, 20'
5 heavy push jerk
25 unbroken double unders
Weights- 155, 155, 165, 165, 175, 175, 165, 165
Times were 44sec to 52 was the big issue...MY PUSH JERK SUCKS! Video to come but it was close to a push press...all else felt great...recover great..

OK...sorry Michael but I hit a WOD with the class...durability day I guess..haha

4 Sets; 2 min rest
10 UB KBS @ 80
10 Strict Pull-ups
200m run

Time minus the rest= 5:31

Run 5 min @ Z1
Sled Sprint 20 seconds; rest 2:40 x 5
rest 10 min and do 50 unanchored sit ups
Sled Sprint 20 seconds; rest 2:40 x 5
Run 5 min @ Z1

All I have to say is this was BAD!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Aug 8th 2011

A. Stone work 10 min
got the 162 stone for the first time!!

B. Snatch Pull @ 85% of Snatch @ 32X1; 5 x 5; rest 2 min

C. OHS @ 32X2; 5 x 5; rest 2 min
125, 135, 145, 155, 155

D. Power Snatch- 5 x 10 TnG; rest 90 seconds (fast and unbroken)
85, 85, 90, 90, 95

SOTF is in 2 are WOD's

burpee/KB       -  3x20/10@1.5                                                                                                                    GHD Situps/MU    -    5x10/3          
Clean squat  -   135# x 30
G2OH anyhow  -   155# x 15
snatch/ToesThruRings  -   4x 135# x 3/15
400m/OHS   -   400m/95#x15 
500m row/stone  -   500m/110#GtSx20
box jumps/pushup  -  5x 9/13flash 20#vest
rope climb/sandbag  -   2x 3/8squatclean120#
HPC/tire flip   -  30x95#/30jumpThru
Diane   -  15/12/9 DL225 HSPU
Annie  -   50/40/30/20/10 DU situp
Randy  - 75x75# power snatch
2 rd Helen  -   400m, 21kb1.5p,12pu
Fran  -   21/15/9 thruster95#,PU
Elizabeth  -   15/12/9 CL135#,RD
pistol/BenchPress -  5 x 10/135#x7
DL heavy x 30  -  315
Stand Up Paddle -  x1
burpee archery 3min ARAP   -  10burpee for 2 arrows arap
wall climb   -   x1
throw the KB 20#   -  x1

Also a link here to see all the different divisions....above is the RX men!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Aug 6th 2011

my set at 185

5-7 sets
2 heavy power clean
2 hang squat clean
2 push jerk
sprint 40m
rest 5 minutes

Don't let go of the bar the whole time 

165, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195...missed jerks at 195...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Aug 5th 2011

Back to the gym!!!

A. 3x AMRAP UB Muscle-ups (rest 2 min)
 7, 6, 5

B1. 5x AMRAP Ring Rows (rest 1 min)

B2. 5x AMRAP FLR on rings (rest 1 min)
60sec, 61sec, 58sec, 61sec, 63sec

Aug 3rd 2011

Hit team Murph at CF Ocean City...

Each member ran a mile and than the movements split up between 2 partners...

Mile 1- 7:20
Push-ups- 120
Squats- 150
Mile 2- 8:05

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2nd 2011

Team WOD @ CF Ocean City
100m sled push, 1 min rest, 1 min max wall ball x4
I hit 100 Wall balls in the 4 sets

Tough team wod...

August 1st 2011

Team WOD @ CF Ocean City
165lb carry of 100m, followed by 55 DL for me @ 165 with between set rests, carry back and completed two 500m rows...


5x10 UB Pistols per leg
10x100m Soft sand 2 min
3xAMRAP side planks