Friday, July 29, 2011

July 30th 2011

Tabata Lunge Jumps

Did today and taking Sat and Sun off. Score of 21,20,17,17,17,17,17,17

-Rest 0 seconds-

50 HSPU for time
*every time you break do 20 sit ups

Did it in 3:31, came down three times so had to do 60 situps. I hit sets of 22, 11, 10, 7

July 29th 2011

10 min run @ Z1

Run 5 x 50m sprint; rest 1 min

Run 4 x 100m sprint; rest 1 min

Run 3 x 200m sprint; rest 1 min

Run 2 x 400m sprint; rest 1 min

Run 1 x 800m sprint

Did it, OUCH...didnt have the best way to time runs but timed the rests and man they got to seem REAL SHORT!

Run 5 min @ Z1

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27th 2011

A. Muscle Ups- 4 x amrap; rest 2 minutes

B. Pistols- 3 x 15/leg unbroken; rest 45 sec b/w legs

C1. Ring Rows @ 32X2; 5 x amrap; rest 1 min

C2. FLR on Rings 5 x amsap; rest 1 min (front leaning reset, feet should be about 4” higher than rings and you just hold the locked out push up position)

So pushing the training back a day and maybe not this at all. I was set to do this on a tree outback of my Dads on is the deal! Sent some stuff including my rings and Progenex in the mail so we didnt have to take it on the plane...USPS lost it.....

July 26th 2011

A1. Power Clean 5 x 5 heavy TnG; rest 10 sec
175, 175, 175, 175, 175x3

A2. KB Swings heavy 5 x 15; rest 10 sec
All sets UB

A3. Bench Press @ bodyweight 5 x amrap; rest 3 min
13, 10, 8, 10, 10

B1. Glute Ham Raises- 3 x 12; rest 1 min

B2. Toes to Bar @ 2121- 3 x 12; rest 1 min

Yep...ouch and the tempo Toe to bar is NO fun!

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25th 2011

Ok, so this week is a little different. I am at the gym Monday and Tuesday and will be on vacation until next week. Michael has programmed some crazy stuff for me even with no gym to train at until next Monday. I will hit some traditional CF WOD's at CrossFit Ocean City next week!!! Here it is....

A. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 105%- 5 x 3; rest 90 sec

B. Front Squat @ 31X1; 5 x 3; rest 2 min
185, 190, 195, 205, 205

C. Clean & Jerk- build to heavy Double
205..not happy...didn't feel good in the jerk

D. Split Jerk- 3 x 5 focusing on speed not weight
went with 135 and focused on lockout and foot speed

5 sets; rest 6 min
7 Heavy Shoulder to Overhead
3 Rope Climbs
Row 400m

Set 1- 2:20@135 / Set 2- 2:26@145 / Set 3- 2:30@155 / Set 4- 2:25@160 / Set 5- @2:25@160
Kept first 3 sets on row under 1.50 and last 2 under 1.53...feeling better on the rower...not great tho!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23rd 2011

10 min to build to 1RM OHS

Great session with Michael. Below is his 300lb OHS..a nice PR for him of 15lbs!!!

Unbroken 2.0
7 rounds
5 Squat Clean, 135
6 CTB Pull Ups
7 KB Swings, 2pd

Well this one wasnt very nice but again it was great to have Michael around to push me. Always great to train around great athletes...Thanks for coming Mike!
Time- 11:58

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22nd 2011

5 sets; rest 4 min
5 TnG heavy Power Clean
6 Bounding Box Hurdles
10 Clapping Push Ups
1- 165/30sec  2- 170/32sec  3- 175/30sec  4-180/31sec  5-190/35sec
Felt good going touch and go with 190...
This was set 4 @ 180

5 x 50m sprint; rest 2 min
DONE...Nice and fast...had James doing it with me!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20th 2011

5-7 sets; rest 6 min
10 Hang Squat Snatch unbroken fast heavy as possible
5 burpees
5 box jumps, 24"
Set1-95/1:20 Set2- 95/1:17 Set3- 95/1:06 Set4-105/1:10 Set5- 105/0:59 Set6- 115/1:13
I went for 125 and got 6 unbroken....called it a day...well a session I guess since I row later!!!

This set was set # 6 and was at 115lbs...for those of you that know what a squat snatch looked like for me about 4 months ago I will answer this question before you ask....NO my coach Michael does not perform miracles on anyone else!!! haha I am not anywhere close to the elite guys but I am pumped to be doing these more efficiant.

30 sec @ 90%
30 sec @ 50% x 5
60 sec @ 90%
60 sec @ 50% x 5
90 sec @ 90%
90 sec @ 50% x 5
5 min cool down

OK, crappy as usual... on the 30sec sets I kept all under 1:38. The 60sec sets were between 1:40-1:45 and the 90sec sets were all right at 1:50...I feel a little better breathing on these but man did my legs hurt after this mormings session!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19th 2011

A. Muscle Ups 4 EMOM for 10 min
Got first 6 minutes unbroken, the 7th minute got idea what happened. Last 3 minutes were 3 and 1 and one 2 and 2.

B. KB Snatch build slowly to heaviest set of 10/arm; rest as needed
53lb each arm felt good, got 70 each arm for first time ever doing that below

70...above...53 below

C. 10 pull ups EMOM for 10 min
All unbroken no butterfly, kip only!

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18th 2011

A1. 3 Position Clean x 5 sets; rest 2 min (heavy)
155, 175, 185, 190, 195..10 pounds up from last time!

A2. Challenging Depth HSPU- 5 x 5; rest 2 min
Did these at a depth of 6 inches under my hands.... UB

B. Bulgarian Split Squat @ 32X2; 3 x 6/leg
44lb KB's for all sets

C. Shoulder External Rotation @ 3131; 3 x 10/arm; rest 45 sec b/w arms (lie on your side, elbow stays bent at 90 degrees and glued to your side, rotate dumbbell down and up.
10lbs...this hurt a lil...

P.M. 30 min run or row @ Z1

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16th 2011


10 min to build to 1RM split jerk
Hit a PR @ 240
rest 10 min

3 rounds for time
25 KB Swings, 2pood
25 Pull Ups

Time- 7:50

Had to break everything more than I wanted, this one made the grip SHOT in a hurry!

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15th 2011

3 sets; rest 2 min
10 thrusters heavy but unbroken & fast
Row 90 sec @ 90%
135 for all sets. Row pace was 1:44 / 1:148 / 1:56...last set crushed me!

3 sets; rest 2 min
10 sq clean heavy but unbroken & fast
High Knee Jump rope 90 sec
155 for all sets and a few mess ups on the jump rope but good!!

5 sets no rest
10 box jumps, 20"
10 push ups
10 sit ups

Time: 3:04 with games style push-ups.
...Got to hit this one with Sean Lee and Maxweel so they pushed me pretty hard. Feeling great!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13th 2011

Run 35 min @ Z1
Nice little run this HR through the run was at around 170 which is a Z3 range but I think the watch is a little off...anyway ran for 20 minutes and than did a 1 minute walk to see how my HR would slow. It went down to 140 after 30 seconds and than I finished off the run and think it was about a 4.5 mile loop!

A. 3 position Squat Snatch (floor, knee, mid thigh) x 5 sets; heavy as possible
105,105,115,125,135.. I am very pumped about the 135, only reason I started low was have never done...I am coming along much better in these movements..PUMPED.

My set at 135!

B. Snatch Push Press using blocks- 5 x 3; rest 90 sec

10 min Muscle Up practice (try to practice your weakness of the muscle, no failed attempts, stay away from complete failure)
8 UB Sets of 3... feeling good

Good day today, ate more last night and feel great. Training is for sure working!!! Coach Michael is hooking me up with some great stuff that I sometimes question (haha...not really) but it is proving to be SWEET!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12th 2011

A. OH Squat @ 80%- 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
@175..felt heavy...taking a new look at diet...think that is the issue!

B. Front Squat- 60% x 8, 65% x 8, 70% x 6, 75% x 6 x 2 sets; rest 3 min
165, 175, 190, 205, 205

C. Weighted Pull Ups- 5 x 3; rest 90 sec
45, 63, 63, 71, 71

D. Strict Toes to Bar- 50 total
This was different...used to doing this for time. Think the core will hurt tomorrow.

Row 10 min @ Z1
about a 1:58 pace...HR around 145

8 sets
Row Sprint 30 sec @ damper 10
Rest 3:30
rest 7 min b/w sets 4 & 5
Meters- 171, 168, 167, 168, 168, 166, 169, 168

practicing Hand stand walking

Row 10 min @ Z1

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11th 2011

Build quickly to heavy power snatch, less than 5 sets

5 sets; rest 8 min
30 sec amrap power clean & jerk, 135#
30 sec amrap kbs, 70#
30 sec amrap box jumps, 30"
30 sec amrap burpees, touch 8ft target

Set 1- 9,12,10,7
Set 2- 9,13,10,7
Set 3- 7,11,9,7
Set 4- 8,11,9,7
Set 5- 6,10,7,8

Ok, So I did NOT feel good at all...for some reason I was not feelong great today. Slugish and Heavy but pushed through it for 5 sets only!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9th 2011


Build to 1RM Squat clean in 10 min or less

Rest 1 min
90 sec AMRAP Box Jumps 20”
Went all unbroken...83

Rest 1 min
90 sec Max Cal Row
28Cal / 402m

Rest 1 min
30 Muscle Ups for time (video if possible)
Crappy..will show video later. I had a bad time but I am happy with the way they went with NO FALSE GRIP through the entire thing..first time doing that many.
Time: 8:07

Rest 1 min
Run 1 mile for time
At this point I am DEAD.. 7:57 mile is crap and man it was hot outside..haha...needs to get better!

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8th 2011

A. Power Snatch x 1/Sq Snatch x 2; 60% 2 sets; 70% 3 sets
@95, @115

B. Jerk @ 70% x 3 x 2 sets; 75% x 3 x 3 sets
@160, @165

C. Clean Pull @ 90% of clean- 4 x 7 reps

above- 140x15

above- 160x11

D. OH Squat build to 15 RM.. shoot for bodyweight
I got 140x15 and it felt good so I tried 160...Hit it for 11. If I wouldn't have second guessed myself I for SURE could have done 15 at 160....but for today it is..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6th 2011

A1. Front Squat @ 32X2; 5 x 5; rest 90 sec
Do these tempo lifts right and they HURT....165,175,185,185,185

A2. L-Pull Ups @ 11X1; 5 x AMRAP; rest 90 sec

B. Bulgarian Split Squat @ 2222; 3 x 7/leg; rest 45 sec b/w legs
26's, 35's, 44's...OUCH....started low...


10 min row @ Z2

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5th 2011

A. Build slowly to heavy Split Jerk, Focus on TALL chest in the dip.
Worked up to 205 focus on the TALL....  
12 Min AMRAP
5 Muscle Ups
An OOOO so crappy 6 rounds + 3 MU's 

Run 10 min @ Z1 include hip and ankle mobility
Run 90 sec @ 90%
Run 90 sec @ 50%
X 7
Run 10 min @ Z1

So today broke me DOWN. To be honest I am very frustrated with a few things but still working hard. The 90 sec was more or less 80sec and I did some walking on the 50%...this is rough! The muscle-ups lately just have been SH**T..

Monday, July 4, 2011

New info...

recommended %'s and zones as per prescription
Target Zone Suggested Intensity
Z1 65-74%
Z2 75-84%
Z3 85-90%
Z4 91-96%
Z5 97-100%
This is a good measure, one of a few we use but a good one for some "gear" and capacity knowledge; one can perform a max HR test and use this sometimes as a guide; we'll use it for awareness of what is prescribed and how to do it right

July 4th 2011

In 8 min, build to a heavy Snatch Balance x 1, OHS x 2
185..Pretty happy with this just need to have more speed dropping into the snatch balance.
set 3 of below....

3 sets; rest 2 min
Hang Power snatch x 8 unbroken (heavy as possible, but fast)
Box Jumps, 24" x 20

Each on was 40 seconds.... 95,105,105
set 1 of below...


set 3 of it was to all 8 UB but still to heavy for this I think.

3 sets; rest 2 min
Hang Power Clean x 8 unbroken (heavy as possible, but fast)
Sprint 60 meters all out

155,165,175...last set was prob. to much but still got all 8..kinda..haha
this was rough...80lb KB made me rest a bit more but wanted to be unbroken...

3 sets no rest
10 Heavy KB Swings
20 Double Unders

 80lb KB all unbroken, think I don't count well cuz shorted the double-unders 1-2 each round other than the this point in the day I was tired!!! 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 2nd 2011

Testing (film if possible)

Part 1
15-12-9 Clean & Jerk
rest 5 min b/w sets; go as heavy as possible all touch and go, bar can NOT rest on ground
Ok, that was worse than expected!! 115 pounds all the way through, glad coach told me to start at 115 because I was thinking 135 and that would NOT have worked..haha

-rest 1 hour-
*I only had about a 15 minute rest, trained this one out of town...

Part 2
For time:
12 Muscle Ups
30 Wall Ball, 25#
50 Double Unders
9 Muscle Ups
30 Wall Ball, 25#
50 Double Unders
6 Muscle Ups
30 Wall Ball, 25#
50 Double Unders

Time: 13:05

Ok, as usual I was not happy with the muscle-ups. First set was 4,2,2,2,1,1 ....Second was 2,2,2,1,1,1 and third was 2,1,1,1,1... I need to be able to link more together. Will work on technique soon and video to see if any issues are easy to see.

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1st 2011

Run 10 min Z1, include mobility work on hips and ankles

3 x 30 sec sled sprint (heavy but not slowing you down much) rest 2:30
180, 225, 270(a little slow at the end)..each was about 25 seconds due to the space I had to drag!
3 x 400m; rest 2 min
1:30, 1:40, 1:30 Pretty frustrated as to why these were this slow...
2 x 800m; rest 1 min
3:50, 3:52...thes just hurt...

Run 10 min @ Z1 cool down

Each of the runs at Z1 were about a mile with some mobility and stretch work in as well.