Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 25th

Warm – up w/ tall snatch tech work and stretch hip flexors w/ band
A. Snatch- build to heavy 2; rest as needed
150..160x2...nothing snatch has felt good lately..frustration!
B. 1 ¼ Back Squat @ 30X1; 4 x 5 reps; rest 4 min (start @ 70%)
C1. Max Effort Triple Jump; 5 sets; rest 10 sec
22-22.6 on each jump
C2. GH Raises @ 30X1; 5 x 8-10 reps; rest 3 min (hold dumbbell weight)
all sets of 10 with a 10lb dumbbell....adding that 10 pounds makes a huge difference. Hams on FIRE

May 23rd

A. Hang Squat Clean & Split Jerk- build to heavy 2 quickly- not TnG
B. Hang Squat Clean @ 155- 5 x max reps TnG; rest 3 min
10,9,10,9,11...grip mostly the factor
C1. Push Press @ 165- 3 x max reps; rest 10 sec
7,7,7...did not feel to good on these today
C2. Toes to Bar- 3 x max reps; rest 5 min (as soon as you loose rhythm, stop)
31,19,19...last 2 sets were more grip than anything...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22nd

5 sets; rest 3 min
15 sec Prowler Sprint w/ 125#
Done, felt ok... not much sleep due to Greyson getting in our bed and being awake from 2-430am from the storms...
3 sets; rest 5x work
10 Thrusters, 105#
10 CTB Pull Ups
10 Burpees
Sets were 58sec, 52sec and 51sec.... it all felt ok. First set was slower thrusters protecting the knee pain a bit but was able to go faster in the other sets.

8 sets
Row 500m @ high aerobic effort
Row 100m @ recovery pace
1:52-1:58 pace...died pretty hard after set# 6. Pretty sure it was due to lack of sleep!!

May 21st

A. Tall Snatch- build to a tough 2 in 10 min
*no jumping, just pulling under the bar
B. Snatch Balance- 2 reps on the min for 10 minutes- add/set (start light, get under the bar FAST.  Try to catch it lower than last week and ride it down faster)
Only video is of 115, not much rest time with changing weights. I felt much better but didnt go to heavy and worked the speed.

C. High Hang Squat Snatch- 3 x 3; rest 2 min (not touch and go) SPEED under the bar
@125,135,140...these felt great..and HEAVY!

D. Split Jerk- 1/min @ 70% x 7 minutes
@175, felt pretty fast

E. Dead Lift @ 13X1; 3 reps @ 55% x 8; EMOM
@225, felt easy!

F. Russian KBS; 5 x 15 reps @ 88#; rest 1 min
Used the 90lb KB and they all felt pretty good.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18th

A. Snatch- build to heavy 3; rest as needed
150...kept missing 160

B. 1 ¼ Back Squat @ 30X1; 3 x 6 reps; rest 4 min (start @ 65%)

C1. 5 Max Effort Broad Jumps; 5 sets; rest 10 sec

C2. GH Raises @ 30X1; 5 x 6-10 reps; rest 3 min
sets of 10 with band

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16th

A. Hang Squat Clean & Split Jerk- build to heavy 3 quickly- not TnG\
@190... knee was hurting.. think had 10 more pounds in me

B. Hang Power Clean @ 185- 5 x max reps TnG; rest 3 min
7,7,7,6,6.. grip limiting factor

C1. Push Press @ 155- 3 x max reps; rest 10 sec

C2. Muscle Ups- 3 x max reps; rest 5 min

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Monday, May 14, 2012

May 19th

25 sec Row Sprint
2:35 rest
x 4
Picture below is average pace and distance per row. Felt strong on these, before the squat sessions I wouldn't have been able to pull these paces!

rest 5 min
25 sec Row Sprint
2:35 rest
x 4
Info above...
5 min @ high consistent aerobic effort
3 Muscle Ups
7 Box Jumps, 40”
5 rounds + 3 MU's
3 min recovery
5 min @ high…
3 Ring HSPU
7 KB Swings, 70#
14 Air Squats
5 rounds+3ring HSPU
3 min recovery
5 min @ high…
10 Wall Ball
10 Toes to Bar
100m Run
4 rounds
3 min recovery
5 min @ high…
0.5 mile Air Dyne
5 Burpees
2 rounds + 0.4 miles on airdyne
This session felt good!
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May 15th

5 sets; rest 2 min
10 sec Prowler Sprint w/ 125#
These felt pretty good. Foot bothering me dealing with a little injury from my max day last week.
3 sets; rest 5x work
15 Thrusters, 115#
15 Burpees (touch 6” above reach)
This hurt bad, the foot and outside of right knee. Got all the thrusters UB and burpees started to slow on rep 11 each set....overall did not feel good during this....slow. 1:15/1:20/1:20

8 sets
Row 500m @ high aerobic effort
Row 200m @ recovery pace
Felt ok here, 1:49-1:55 on the higher parts and about 2:30 or so pace during the recovery...breathing felt good but legs and lower back did not. Think time for a massage.

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May 14th

A. Tall Snatch- build to a tough 3 in 10 min
*no jumping, just pulling under the bar

Built up to 95

B. Snatch Balance- 3 x 3; rest 3 min heavy as possible
165,175 for some misses and 165 again

C. High Hang Squat Snatch- 3 x 3; rest 2 min (not touch and go)

D. Push Jerk.Split Jerk- 1.2 x 4; rest 3 min
E. Dead Lift @ 13X1; 3 reps @ 50% x 8; EMOM
All at 205
F. Russian KBS; 5 x 12 reps @ 88#; rest 1 min
Used a 90 pound KB...felt good

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12th

A. Back Squat- new 1RM!
345... 25 pound PR from the start of program!!! Wanted 350 but this is great. Hope to keep back squats once a week in my program!
B. Snatch- build to heavy single or 1RM depending on how you feel
Hit 180 EASY and the rest was frustrating... couldn't catch anything either. Hope to get some feeback on these...tried 185 and 190 like 5-6 times.. but 180 is a PR of 5 pounds

Above is 180, below is 190

C. Cl & J- build to heavy single or 1RM depending on how you feel
Felt like crap, hit 225 and couldnt clean anything heavier. Kept falling on the clean, pull felt fine and the catch was horrible...again frustrated.
18 min amrap
15 Box Jumps, 24”
12 Push Press, 115#
9 Toes to Bar

9 Round... OPEN was 10+17... Legs were hurting and lungs were ok I just think I didnt want to go to that place yet along with tired from the lifts.

May 10th

A. 1-arm KB Press- 3 x 15 reps; rest 90 sec
All @ 44
B. 1-arm DB Row- 3 x 15 reps; rest 90 sec
C. Sit Ups- 60 for time

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

MOD ThrowDown

Annual Crossfit Innovate March of Dimes Throwdown combines healthy, intense Crossfit competition with a great cause. All proceeds go to March of Dimes in honor of Brayden Giambalvo.

May 9th

A. Cl & J- @ 50%- 5 x 1; EMOM
B. Back Squat @ 80%; 6 x 2
@255 w/ 2 min rest...felt a little heavy today
C. 75 Sit Ups not for time
took about 2:45 consistant pace!
15 min @ 85%
Run 400m
Row 500m
3 Rounds + 400 + 150 row
5 min recover
15 min @ 85%
Air Dyne 1 mile
10 HR Push Ups
4 Rounds

May 8th

A. Snatch @ 50%; 5 x 1; EMOM
B. Cl & Jerk @ 50%; 5 x 1; EMOM
C. Strict Toes to Bar Straight legs- 3 x 10
E. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 42X2; 3 x amrap; rest 2 min (add 10lbs)
No tempo due to mobility at the top and went no weight @ 42X0

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7th

A. Hang Muscle Snatch- 55%- 3 x 5; rest 2 min
B. Back Squat @ 100%; 2 x 2
@320...missed rep 2 on set 2
C. Back Extensions no weight- 3 x 10; rest 60 sec
D. Planks- front/side no weight- 1 set of each 75% of max hold
Run 1 mile for time
5:53 (PR)

May 5th

A. Clean Pull off Blocks @ 115%- 3 x 3; rest 3 min
B. Power Jerk + Split Jerk- 70% x 5 sets
C. Back Squat @ 80%- 6 x 2
Skipped this due to time..

20 min amrap
Run 400m
100 Double Unders
10 Burpees
10 Wall Ball, 20#
10 GH Sit Ups
3Rounds+ RUN.....HORRIBLE...just felt bad and tired...etc.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3rd

A. Back Squat @ 95%- 3 x 3
@305 !!!! Heavy but pumped...big step for me!
B. Bulgarian Split Squat @ 30X1; 3 x 4; rest 45 sec b/w legs
with 80's...thats all I have
C. Romanian Dead Lift- 3 x 5; rest 3 min
D. Toes to Bar- 50 for time

May 2nd

A. Snatch @ 70%; 1 rep EMOM for 5 min
B. Cl & J@ 60%; 1 rep EMOM for 3 min
15 min @ 85%
Run 400m
7 Ring HSPU
7 Box Jumps, 40”
4 Rounds+400m run w/ 30 sec left on the clock. I used HR monitor and tried to stay 85% on it just to see. So I noticed during the Box J it went to 177BPM and I waited until it was under 170 to start run..maybe ten seconds...just playing with it.
5 min recover
15 min @ 85%
Row 500m
10 KB Swings, 70#
10 Clapping Push Ups
4 Rounds+140m row...rows slow and not tired on the rower fast and stayed SLOW

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1st

A. Snatch Pull of blocks (mid-thigh)- 115% of clean; 3 x 3; rest 3 min
B. Snatch Push Press- work up to 3RM
C. Back Squat @ 80%- 6 x 2; rest 3 min or less
E. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 42X2; 3 x amrap; rest 2 min
9 was without tempo and got 4 and 4 other sets...wasnt able to hold the top section.