Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nov 14th 2011

A. Back Squat @ 65% + bands- 12 x 2 EMOM
@205...felt good and fast

B. Dead Lift @ 65% + bands- 6 x 2 EMOM
@255..felt pretty good, not to fast though

C. Power Snatch TnG light- 3 x 10; rest 1 min
went 85, seem to be thinking a bunch with the new grip now

D. GH Raise w/ light band- 3 x 10-15; rest 2 min
Good! All sets of 15

E. 50 rhythm back squats w/ 45# bar @ 1010; first 1 come up on toes at the top of the squat, next 10 stay flat footed, next 10 up on toes, etc...
I am not sure if I did this the correct way but man it was rough on the quads during the ones where I had to roll on the toes...thinking that was the point!!

1 comment:

  1. The point of going up on the toes is 2 reasons 1) to break up the monotony and 2) to ensure full hip extension
