Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nov 28th 2011

Gonna be off of the regular training for this week and just hit some short WOD's with the class this week. Here is todays WOD. It was scored with total weight lifted. If you missed a rep you had to go back to the DU's before trying again and it didn't count towards total.

"AMRAP" in 7 minutes for total weight
35 DU's
1 Power Snatch

Total= 1215 (did 9 rounds all at 135)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nov 26th 2011

175 Squat Clean
Muscle Ups
TIME- 8:53....should have been a little under 8:30. Tried to go less sets on last 6 MU's and failed 2 reps. last 4 took 50 seconds..oh well...felt good.

Rest 2 hours

3 min time clock
Row 500m
Amrap burpees in remaining time

Got off rower at 1:48 and got 32 burpees, went to slow on first 10..should have had no pace and maybe got an extra 2....felt good just was being a wimp.

-Rest 1 hour-
3 rounds
20 KB Swings, 70#
50 Double Unders

4:48..broke last set of KBS in 13/7 and DU's felt bad...shoulders ouch

Nov 25th 2011

A. Power Snatch x 1/ OH Squat x 3; rest 3 min x 3
145, 150, 150...felt heavy

B. Front Squat- build to heavy double quickly (3-4 sets)
275x2...huge PR

C. Squat Snatch- Heavy single
150...felt crappy, need to get back to sntch work and more mobility

D. Ring HSPU- 3 x amrap (-3); rest 2 min
8,7,6..felt better than they have before :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nov 23rd 2011

5 sets; rest 5 min
Prowler Sprint 15m w/ moderate to heavy load; release handles and sprint another 15 meters
5 x 25m sprint; rest 3 min
Good stuff, sled weight was 180,225,250,250,250..on sled with low push

Row 500m @ 100%; rest 15 min x 3

- 1:32.8 (pr)

Felt pretty good compared to the way I have felt in the past on a 500m row. My old pr I am pretty sure it was one row and out for about an hour....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nov 22nd 2011

5 min @ 80%
10 Step Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
-6 rds+ 10 Step ups-

3 min rest

5 min @ 80%
10 Lunges
10 Toes To Bar
10 Ring Rows

3 min rest

5 min @ 80%
10 KB Swings, 53#
10 GHD Sit Ups
20 Double Unders

3 min rest

5 min @ 80%
10 Hard Strokes on Rower (damper 10)
HS Walk 20m
10 Box Jumps, 20” 
Felt good, didn't get to tired out the rounds dropped due to the movements being more time consuming....

A. Split Jerk w/ 3 sec Pause in Split- 4 x 5; rest 3 min (go heavy, light enough for NO missed reps)
155,165,175,175...felt better worked on dropping fast

B1. Push Press @ 31X1; 5 x 5; rest 20 sec

B2. Pull Ups @ 52X2; 5 x max reps; rest 3 min
This HURT bad...10,9,6,6,6

C1. Bench Press @ 80% effort- 3 x 5; rest 1 min
felt easy...185,185,185

C2. CTB Pull Ups- 3 x amrap; rest 2 min
22,24,22....set # 1 I thought my hands were ripping and came off bar... 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nov 21st 2001

A. Back Squat @ 70% + bands- 12 x 2; EMOM
225+bands...felt a bit heavy

B. Dead Lift @ 70% + bands- 6 x 2; EMOM
275+bands...felt ok

C. Squat Clean- 3 x 10 TnG heavy; rest 3 min
WOW this hurt... 150, 160, 150

D. Back Squat- 3 x 10; rest 3 min (first set @ 70% and try to increase)
225, 230, 235...I am pretty sure my legs hate Michael!

E. Moderate load Sled Walk- 400m not for time
90 on sled...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nov 19th 2011

3 rounds
10 Wall Climbs
5 Rope Climbs
10 Ground to Shoulder w/ 125# stone
25 Cal on Airdyne

Time: 19:21

Nov 18th 2011

A. Front Squat @ 41X0; 3 x 5; rest 3 min

B. Thruster- 3 x 10 heavy; rest 2:30

C. Wall Ball- 3 x 30 unbroken w/ 25# ball; rest as little as possible but you must break @ 30
took me 5:30...bout 90 sec rest between sets and was nasty but I think I could have took less rest

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nov 16th 2011

3 sets; rest 3 min
3 Hang Power Snatch TnG
Sprint 30 meters
All @ 130...felt pretty good..


3 sets; rest 3 min
3 Hang Power Clean TnG
Box Hurdles x 6
Weight felt great went 205,210,215

Row 30 sec @ 90%; 30 sec @ 50% x 10

Rest 5 min

Repeat (pick a pace you can maintain @ 90% for all 20 rounds, focus here is pacing and breathing)

All sets were between 1:39 and 1:41

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nov 15th 2011

Airdyne 10 min @ Z1
10 min @ 70%
HS walk 25m
10 toes to bar
10 box jumps @ 20"
Airdyne 10 min @ Z1

This felt good even though I have a little head cold driving me nuts... 5Rds plus HS walk
A. Push Press @ 31X2; 3 x 5; rest 2 min

B1. Split Jerk w/ 3 sec pause in the split position- 4 x; rest 2 min
175,185,185,185...really working the lockout and pause...felt good, last set got heavy on the shoulders
B2. Weighted Pull up @ 22X0- 4 x 5; rest 2 min
All done with 53lbs
C. Muscle Ups- 3 x max reps (-2); rest 3 min
8-7-7.... felt good just got tight quick after all the shoulder stuff...great to me though good session

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nov 14th 2011

A. Back Squat @ 65% + bands- 12 x 2 EMOM
@205...felt good and fast

B. Dead Lift @ 65% + bands- 6 x 2 EMOM
@255..felt pretty good, not to fast though

C. Power Snatch TnG light- 3 x 10; rest 1 min
went 85, seem to be thinking a bunch with the new grip now

D. GH Raise w/ light band- 3 x 10-15; rest 2 min
Good! All sets of 15

E. 50 rhythm back squats w/ 45# bar @ 1010; first 1 come up on toes at the top of the squat, next 10 stay flat footed, next 10 up on toes, etc...
I am not sure if I did this the correct way but man it was rough on the quads during the ones where I had to roll on the toes...thinking that was the point!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nov 12th 2011

A. Behind the Neck Jerk- build to 1RM; rest as needed
(post video, thoughts and feelings about this move vs front rack split jerk)
They felt better than a regular jerk, my hands were about an inch further apart on each side. The drive felt about the same but position in catch much better. The 255 SHOULD have been caught....
200 above and 245 below

Below is miss @ 255

B. Car Push- 45 seconds grueling effort; rest 5 min x 5
This sucked, so I got some help.....haha

C. 100 walking lunges not for time
Felt ok...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Nov 11th 2011


A. Front Squat- Build to a heavy 3; if feeling good go for 3RM; if not, don’t stress it
Got 265x3(pr) and went for a 1RM and hit it @ 285

265x3 (above) 285x1 (below)

B. Stone Work- 10 min build to heaviest ground to shoulder to both shoulders

C. Power Clean- heavy double; rest as needed
only got 205 and felt crappy, having a stressful week...think it is making these last few days tough.

D. Wall Walks @ 80% for 5 min
26 reps


A. Power Snatch- heavy single w/ Perfect Technique; rest as needed; NO Misses this is more tech work than strength work
went up to 145...a few videos to try to fix some problems. STRESSED OUT DAY...
3 sets; rest 4 min
5 Hang Power Snatch; moderate and FAST
Sprint 50m

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nov 9th 2011

Run 400m
Rest 4 min
Run 600m
Rest 5 min
Run 800m
Rest 6 min
Run 400m

Did the AM session fasted for MattB...woke up 5am and hit this at 7am. Did some heart Rate stuff as well for me to see so I am posting that as well...felt "OK"...haha..HURT

Starting HR-Time-Ending HR


A. Split Jerk- tech work 10 min (never above 95#) mix tall jerks, push jerks, jerk balance, and stretching

B. Split Jerk x 1/Behind neck Split Jerk x 2; 4 sets; rest 3 min heavy as possible
Thinking to much now that I am mad at this movement so lots of failed reps.

C. 50 HSPU for time

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nov 8th 2011

20 min amrap

Row 250m
5 Muscle Ups

10 Rds + 250m Row
Felt great during this and stuck with the plan of 3+2 on all the sets of the Muscle-ups

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nov 7th 2011

A. Back Squat @ 60% + Bands; 12 x 2; EMOM (film at least first and last)
@195...felt fast...top is 120lbs heavier...I did weight on scale today
Set 1 above and set 12 below

B. Dead Lift @ 60% + Bands; 6 x 2; EMOM (film at least first and last)
@245...felt good....
Set 1 above and set 6 below

C. Bulgarian Split Squat @ 3121; 3 x 6/leg; rest 1 min b/w legs and sets

D. GH Raise @ 2121; 3 x 15; rest 1 min
These felt ok..

Saturday, November 5, 2011

OPT Big Dawg Bash v2.0

Headed to TN for the ThrowDown with some awesome atletes and here are the WOD's. The don't really favor  a little guy like me.....

1RM Clean And Jerk
 Had 7 minutes, 205 & 225 EASY, cleaned 235 twice and never could jerk it. Not to mad but need to go to work on this..big time, maybe light technique work.

Standing Triple Jump
Got 274...cool with it...haha

500m Row repeats (90 sec between the 2)
Ok, I am a bad sprinter now..haha. Got 1:40 and 1:42..this is a pace I can keep for 1,000 or more but the legs were hurting for some reason..

7 min clock. 150 DU "buy-in" and with time left do AMRAP of:
7 Wall Ball and 5 Burpee

Ok, a good one!! Very happy with this one. Took 2nd place on this. DU's were fast and completed 8 Rounds 7 Wallball and 1 burpee...254 reps!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Nov 4th 2011

A. Squat Clean- 3 x 5 afap w/ 115#

B. Split Jerk- 3 x 5 perfect technique! w/ 115#


3 sets; rest 2 min
5 wall ball
7 burpees afap


Row Sprints
20 sec @ 100%; rest 2 min x 3

Everything felt good and fast. Still some soreness from the week but I hope that will work its way out before tomorrows event! Headed to Nashville in a little to throwdown!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nov 2nd 2011

5-7 sets @ 100%; rest 5 min
4 Hang Power Clean, tough but fast
6 Burpees AFAP
8 Hurdle Jumps

Weights: 165,175,185,195,200...all sets but the last were feet under me and fast, maybe start heavier next time..I was only thinking I would go 190 or so..times were under 30 sec for all.
185...a little something after rep 3 but felt good

3 sets @ 90-95%; rest 8 min
5 Squat Snatch TnG
10 wall ball, 25#
10 KB Swings, 80#
Run 400m

I used 115lbs.... I hated this..everything felt heavy and "off"...one of those days!
with 115- Times: 2:58, 2:49, 3:08

-rest 2 hours-

This was NOT part of the program but was the WOD for the gym today and I was feeling it...

6:28 (pr)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nov 1st 2011

30-45 Min @ 70%
Sled Walk moderate load- 50m
Side Plank 60 sec/side
HS Walk 25m
Farmers Walk 70#/hand 50m
Finished 6 rounds in 38 minutes...felt good to move slow...

A. Split Jerk Cluster- 5 x 1.1.1; rest 3 min
These went bad, lockout catch is horrible...I get it high and lockout and loose it.
weights: 195, 205, 215, 220x1, 220x2

B. Jerk- 3 x 8 TnG; rest 2 min
170,180, 185x7

C. Muscle Ups- 4 EMOM for 6 min
Bad when shoulders are tired I missed one entire minute and after 3 min they felt BAD!!