Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dec 27th 2011

5 sets
AMRAP Muscle Ups
Rest 30 sec
Prowler Sprint Heavy 50m
Rest 30 sec
4 min Air Dyne @ Z1 

MU numbers were better than I thought- 9,9,9,9,8
Sled sprints sucked and included a wipe out due to the rain...haha

4 sets; rest 8 min
10 TnG Power Clean and Jerk, 115#
Row 400m @ best 1000m pace

All UB, felt good and played with different techniques for coming down from each jerk. Row paces were all at 1:45 and sets were like this.
Sets- 1- 2:08 / 2- 2:05 / 3- 2:02 / 4- 2:09

1 comment:

  1. Great training day josh! These days are what build our confidence. Great #'s on the Muscle Ups and good stuff being able to not only TnG the Cl &J all the way through but it was easy enough to maintain pace and play w/ technique! Good stuff
