A little post WOD fun!!!!!!!
A. Snatch Grip Dead Lift halting- 3 sec pause at the high hang position with perfect form- 3 sets of 3 as heavy as possible with perfect form
185,195,195 (Kept good form..felt light)
185,195,195 (Kept good form..felt light)
B. Squat Snatch- 8 sets 1 on the minute starting @ 50% add 5% each time
*if all attempts are successful go up as high as possible off the clock until fail
80,90,95,105,110,120,125,135....Miss @140 (good catch and lost it behind me??)
*if all attempts are successful go up as high as possible off the clock until fail
80,90,95,105,110,120,125,135....Miss @140 (good catch and lost it behind me??)
C. Snatch Balance 3 x 5 as heavy as possible; rest 2 min
115,125,135 (135 felt heavy and wrist was bugging me...need to be better)
115,125,135 (135 felt heavy and wrist was bugging me...need to be better)
D. Front Squat- 3 x 5 @ 70% 1RM
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