Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29th 2011

3 Position Clean on set#4 @ 185


A. 3-position clean (high hang, knee cap, floor) x 4 sets; heavy as possible
High hang was new to me, never done those before....

B. Front Squat- 5 x 3 @ 83% (follow each set with 5 broad jumps
@230 felt good and broad jumps were a good ad

C1. Ring Push Ups @ 32X2; 3 x amrap; rest 10 sec
17,16,16..these were tough on the abs to stay in the plank since with the tempo it took a long period of time to complete the push-ups

C2. Sit Ups- 3 x 30; rest 90 sec
DONE..slow like all my sit-ups....


10 sets of 10 pull ups on the minute butterfly
 10 min amrap Row 2k + max Double unders 
(start w/ 2k row then remainder of 10 minutes complete max DU's)
Row was 7:55 and 110 DU's...shoulders did not want to do them!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 28th 2011

A. Tall Split Jerk- 3 x 3 focus on foot work
@95..felt fast!

B. Split Jerk @ 80%- 3 x 3; rest 1 min
@180 and back to rack position each time, no dropping to box...

C. Split Jerk % 90%- 3 x 3; rest 3 min
@200 and back to rack position each time, no dropping to box...So freaking heavy for me but got all 3 sets!
Hand Stand walking practice 10 min
These did not feel to good today for some reason but got some great practice in.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 27th 2011

Video of Set 1 and Set 4...Pretty sure you can tell which one is which!!!


A.  Halting Snatch Grip Dead Lift- 3 x 3 heavier than last week

B. Sq Snatch- 4 x 1 @ 70%, 4 x 1 @ 80%, 4 x 1 @ 90% on the minute, if all successful continue as high as possible off the clock (film one at each weight)
4x112, 4x130, 4x140
missed 1 @ 130 and 1 @ 140

C. Snatch High Pull @ 110% of Snatch- 3 x 3

D. Snatch Balance- build to heavy 3 (use blocks and film this)
175...tough to get arms locked and in active position today

5 sets @ 95%; rest 4 min
10 Burpees AFAP
10 Box Jumps, 30"
10 KB Swings, 2pood
                                                                         Row 150m

Set 1- 1:39
Set 2- 1:42
Set 3- 2:03
Set 4- 2:06
Set 5- 1:55

Felt pretty rough. Only had a few hours of sleep due to a sick little one. Arms still stiff from Saturday. No excuses and I don't think it would have made a time difference but believe I would have felt better during and after. This hurt me bad!!! Thanks Coach

Saturday, June 25, 2011

.... on my ZONE!!

So here is a little pizza I made today that is a little high on the FAT side but everything else fits the blocks I have been following. Below is an image (when I can get phone to work) as well as the nutritional information. The FAT content could be lowered just by using less cheese and/or lower fat cheese...I used the real stuff!! Yummy treat after a rough testing day.

Take one "Light Spinach Flat Out" pretty much like a wrap and put a little olive oil on each side and bake 7 min. Remove and place 1/4 Cup Spaghetti sauce, 1/2 cup of cheese and 16 pepperoni on top. Return to oven for 7 minutes, remove and eat!!!

Nutritional Info:
 24g Carbs
29g Fat
24g Protein

3 Carb
20 Fat
( I usually go overboard on fat but this is even a little high for me on a single meal, you an lower this by getting a low fat cheese)
4.5 Protein

June 25th 2011

100 Pull-ups for time - 3:18 (mid wod)

Row 1000m
100 Push Ups
Row 1000m

Time- 11:29 (first row 3:39 / 2nd row 3:52)

Rest 5 min

100 Pull Ups for time

Time- 3:18 (man that row and pushup made it rough...nice rip on hands!!)

Rest 3 min

Run 800m for time

Time- 3:50 (felt like crap and it is way to slow...working on it)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22nd 2011

A. Clean Grip Halting Dead Lift- 3 x 3; little heavier than last week
@255 all sets, wanted to keep for perfect!
B. Clean & Jerk- 5 x 1 on min @ 65%, 5 x 1 on min @ 75%, 5 x 1 on min @ 85%
5 @ 150, 5 @ 175, 5 @ 195
     If all success, continue as high as possible with the clean off the clock
5 min Hang Squat Clean ladder w/ 135- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3 sets!!! OUCH..felt good and fast!
            do 1 hang squat clean drop, 2 and drop, 3 and drop, etc. up to 5, then start over at 1.. 1 set is getting all the way through 5.  5 min AMRAP

Only about 2.5 hours rest due to schedule
3 sets; rest 5 min b/w sets
10 burpees AFAP
30 unbroken KB Swings, 70#
Run 800m

Set 1- Unbroken - 5:28
Set 2- Unbroken - 5:42
Set 3- 26 - 6:23

Got a pretty bad cramp in quad on last run but I did nock out 4 more KBS when I got back since I missed the last 4....GRIP!!! Great and tough day!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21st 2011

I am BACK!!! Took a week off due to some tooth/jaw issue but we are back at it and it was a rough day to start!!!

A. 4 Muscle Ups- EMOM for 10 min
4 sets unbroken / 3 sets 3+1 / 1 set 2+2 / ..and 2 sets a crappy 1-1-1-1..but all inside minute!
B. Tall Split Jerk- 3 x 3; rest 90 sec (maybe a little heavier than last week but focus still on foot work not weight)
75, 85, 95
C. Build slow to 1 RM split jerk from rack
Do not like my possitioning off the rack and did NOT fell good today...a crappy 215
D. (Press x 1, Push Press x 2, Split Jerk x 3) x 4; rest 2 min
135, 145, 145, 150

Row 1 min @ 90%; 1 min @ 50% x 15
Pain- 5 sets under 1:43, 5 sets under 1:46, 5 sets under 1:48
   *after the 5 set take 5 min rest off the rower completing 30 ghd sit ups
2x 15 reps
   * after the 10 set take 5 min rest off the rower practicing freestanding handstands
Used this time to practice handstands on paraletts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Purchase Shirts Here!

So here thay are!!! We will be doing a pre-order for 1 week so PLEASE get it ordered. You have the option to buy any of these colors but we need a good number of orders so SPREAD THE WORD!! Put it on FB page if you don't mind. Below is all payment info and with take you through paypal or credit card purchase.

If you are out of town please select the SHIPPING COST button that will add $3 to your order for us to ship. It is only $3 for as many as you want it is NOT per shirt. Email me with any questions at

WOMENS CUT- Any girls that order please put down that you are ordering a womens cut shirt in the are you can type in when paying via paypal!!!!





Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New CFi Shirt Ideas!

Check them out. What are we thinking...It has a larger front and small change ob back. What color do we want. Give us feedback!!!!



Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 24th 2011

A. Clean Pull @ 105% of Clean- 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
@255, 265, 265
B1. Back Squat- 5 x 3 reps building as heavy as possible; rest 10 sec
@235, 245, 250, 255, 265
B2. High Box Jumps- 5 x 3 reps (don’t have to rebound off ground, just get box as high as possible) (rest 10 sec)
@ 36, 36, 38, 40, 40
B3. Bench Press- 5 x amrap w/ bodyweight (rest 3 min)
@165lbs- 21, 14, 10, 10, 10.. not to happy with the large drop off but everything else today felt pretty good!

35 min run/row/bike at recovery pace

June 13th 2011

A. Snatch Grip Halting Dead Lift- 3 sec pause @ high hang then squeeze at the top (finishing 3rd pull) heavier than last week- 3 sets of 3
B. Squat Snatch- 5 x 1 on the min @ 65%, 5 x 1 on min @ 75%, 5 x 1 on min @ 85%
@105 / @120 / @135
     *If all successful lifts continue off the clock as high as possible
C. Snatch High Pull @ 105% of max snatch- 3 x 3
D. Over Head Squat- 3 x 5 @ 75%

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 11th 2011

A1. Push Press @ 22X2; 5 x 5; rest 10 sec
A2. KB Swings heavy; 5 x 15; rest 10 sec
A3. Back Extensions @ 1010; 5 x 20; rest 3 minutes
Rest 2 hours +
30 min run or row @ 60% effort (recovery aerobic work)

June 10th 2011

A. Snatch Pull @ 105% of Snatch- 3 x 3
B1. Front Squat- 5 x 3 reps building as heavy as possible; rest 20 seconds
B2. Power Snatch- 5 x 3 focus on good full hip extension not necessarily weight; rest 2 min
C. 75 Box Jumps on 36” for time
5:47..This made the legs BURN, could/should have been faster

20 Unbroken Pull Ups
Row 500m
20 unbroken Pull Ups
Row 500m
20 unbroken Pull Ups

Time: 5:54 (all Unbroken with a Kip NO BUTTERFLY)

June 8th 2011

A. Clean Grip Halting Dead Lift- 3 sets of 3 perfect form heavy as possible
Went 255,275,295...last set felt a little to heavy for the stop with perfect form.
B. Clean and Jerk- 8 x 1 EMOM starting @ 50%,go up by 5% if all successful attempts keep going with just the squat clean as heavy as possible off the clock
RX- 115, 125, 135, 150, 160, 170 185, 195
Continued off the clock with squat cleans.. 205,215,225...
C. Back Squat- 3 x 5 @ 70%
D. 3 x 30 sit ups; rest 1 min
Time (minus rest)- 2:33

A. Wall Ball (25#) 3 x 40 unbroken; rest 2 min
UB - UB - Had to take short pause without dropping ball..2 sets(30-10)
*My arms for some reason were on FIRE, still happy with this, WB's are rough for me so 2 sets of 40 is solid!
B. Ring Dips- 3 x max reps; rest 2 min
28 - 20 - 15 (mad about that set of 15..should have got 20)
C. Practice Pistols for 10 min
Ok, my mobility here hurts me. I used a 3/4 inch lift on my heels and focused on pushing heel down. Did 2 on each leg on the minute for 10 min, focus on form.

June 7th 2011

A. 3 Muscle Ups every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes
7 sets unbroken and 3 sets of 2+1
B. Tall Split Jerk (Start with bar at forehead with no dip and drive just drop into the split stance of your jerk, technique focus, shouldn’t get above 95#) 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
Used 85lbs..felt good to work on foot speed great thing to do before any max effort jerk!
C. Build slow to 1 RM split jerk from behind the neck
245 PR
D.  20 sec amrap burpees; 40 sec rest x 5

Row 30 sec @ 90%; 30 sec @ 50% x 30- try to maintain the same 90% pace throughout
First 10min was between 1:38-1:40 / Second 10 min 1:40-1:43 / Last 10 min 1:41-1:45 . . Pace is for all the 90% sessions. I think some of the "50%" were a little slow. THIS SUCKED BIG!!!
30min on rower=NO FUN

June 6th 2011

A little post WOD fun!!!!!!!
A. Snatch Grip Dead Lift halting- 3 sec pause at the high hang position with perfect form- 3 sets of 3 as heavy as possible with perfect form

185,195,195 (Kept good form..felt light)
B. Squat Snatch- 8 sets 1 on the minute starting @ 50% add 5% each time
*if all attempts are successful go up as high as possible off the clock until fail

80,90,95,105,110,120,125,135....Miss @140 (good catch and lost it behind me??)
C. Snatch Balance 3 x 5 as heavy as possible; rest 2 min

115,125,135 (135 felt heavy and wrist was bugging me...need to be better)
D. Front Squat- 3 x 5 @ 70% 1RM


Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3rd 2011

Picture above of Michael McElroy of CrossFit 27:17 ! He will be making my programming much better and coaching me leading up to the next CrossFit season. We will have some new WOD's on the blog starting next week. I am pumped to get started and thankful for his help....

Quote of the day:
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." - Jim Rohn