Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3rd

A. Front Squat @ 55%- 10 x 2 EMOM; focus on speed out of the hole
Did all @ 155 
B. Power Snatch.Hang Squat Snatch.Squat Snatch- 1.1.1 x 4; 3 min
   (focus on fast second pull and speed under the bar, moderate load NO failed reps)
125,135,135,135... shoulders a bit tight...  
C. Power Cl & Jerk Ladder- 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 unbroken for time @ 135
2:36, a litle mad about rest time but overall ok with it.

For time
Row 250m
15 KBS, 70#
25 Burpees
15 KBS, 70#
Row 250m

 Time- 4:05
A little slower on the burpees than I am usually but mostly the slow down happened at 125m on the last row....rowed into a HUGE brick wall. I think the cold has my breathing messed up and no oxygen got to my legs and OUCH....oh well...all UB and I know I can go faster!

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