Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Neera Cleanse...again!!

Ok, today starts the Neera cleanse and I plan to go 7 days but we will se what the weight does...don't want to loose to much I guess. After the cleanse I will be doing the Whole30 challenge with my clients at the gym! Pumped to see what this does for me. Following the Whole 30 I will be trying a lean mass gane that was written up by the people with the Whole9 and I am pumped about trying to add some lean muscle to me. Starting in a little over a week I will be back on with Coach Michael starting a new strength program based off the russian squat program. Time to get lean and strong!

Start of the Neera Cleanse weight- 167lbs

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17th

A. 10x2 Weighted Pullup EMOM
6 Inch deep
C. 1x Bench Press every 30sec for 5 min
235x3, 225x3, 215x4

Z1 Airdyne for 6 min with 20 sec sprint all out EMOM
Done, ouch.....followed with an ice bath!

March 16th

AMRAP 12 Min
150 Wall Ball
90 DU's 
30 Muscle ups

Got 17 Muscle ups in Total score = 257

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13th

15 min @ high consistent aerobic effort
7 Power Snatch, 95
14 Double Unders
Run 200m
7 Rounds...lower back got tight but all felt good
5 min recover

15 min @ high consistent aerobic effort
7 OHS, 95#
7 GH Sit Ups
300m Row
6 rounds, back was tight on the row... need to do some mobility

Set 1
30 unbroken Wall Ball, 25#
Row 300m all out
Set- 2:00 (row Avg pace 1:34.7)
Rest 10 min
Set 2
Row 300m (same pace as set 1)
30 unbroken Wall Ball, 25#
Set- 2:10 (row pace 1:38.5) This one hurt bad
rest 10 min
Set 3
30 unbroken Wall Ball, 25#
Row 300m all out
Set 2:05 (row pace 1:37.4)

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 14th

5 sets; rest 6 min
8 Dead Lift, 275#
30 sec Prowler Sprint, 115#

Done, felt ok...a little tired.

March 12th

A. Back Squat- build to 90% for a double
@ 285

B. Push Jerk.Split Jerk- 2.3 x 4; 5 min
165,175,185,185...PJ was bad...

Set 1 @  90-95%
20 TnG squat clean, 95#
15 KB Swings, 70#
Air Dyne 60 sec all out

Rest 20 min

Set 2
20 KB Swings, 70#
15 TnG squat clean, 95#
Air Dyne 60 sec all out

Both sets at 2:35 and UB felt pretty good, BAD Airdyne...that time domain is hard and hurts bad!

March 10th

A. Front squat 10x2 EMOM @ 175

B. Build to a heavy double squat clean and jerk
Everything hurt from friday....205

C. 3 power clean @ 175 and 6 KBS @ 70 EMOM for 6 min
Felt good

15 Muscle ups
100 DUs
10 Muscle ups
75 DUs
5 Muscle ups
50 DUs

This was SLOW...everything just tight and tired but went through it!!
TIME- 8:47

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 9th

AMRAP 18min of:
15 Box Jump Games Standard
12 Shoulder to OH @ 115
9 Toes-2-bar

10 Rounds +17

If you wanna watch 18 min of crap....and me hitting the HUGE WALL here it is

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7th

3 sets; rest 5 min
7 Dead Lift @ 275#
30 sec Prowler w/ 90#
All the DL felt great and ran out of parking lot at 27 seconds....did some zig zag at end!!

3 sets; rest 5 min
7 Hang Power Snatch, 115 TnG
Row Sprint 30 sec Damper 8
Snatches felt good, row at 1:30 AVG..most pulls after first 3 were 1:28
Yep...did freaking 8...suck at counting!

March 6th

15 min @ high aerobic effort
Run 200m
10 KB Snatch, 35# L
10 KB Snatch, 35# R
10 Toes To Bar
7 Rounds..felt really good, no breaks all constant!

5 min rest
15 min @ high…
Row 250m
10 Wall Ball
10 GH Sit Ups
20 Double Unders
5 Rounds + 125m.... This was lower output just trying not to get to out of breath..still feeling the chest cold

3 sets @ 97%; rest 10 min
20 KB Swings, 88#
.5 mile on Air Dyne

All Sets UB and 2 minutes...Not sure if my Airdyne is correct but that .5 mile is FREAKING LONG!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5th

A. Back Squat @ 20X1- build to 95% 1RM quickly
B. Push Jerk.Split Jerk- 1.2 x 5; 5 min
set 1
@ 97%
15 Unbroken Squat Clean, 115#
15 Burpees
.5 Mile Air Dyne

Time- idea if my Airdyne is correct

rest 20 min

set 2
@ 97%
15 Squat Clean to Thruster, 95#
10 Box Jumps, 24”
15 TnG CL & J, 95#
10 Box Jumps, 24”
15 Squat Clean, 95#
10 Box Jumps, 24”

Time- 5:39...SLOW and to many breaks..still got some crap in my chest.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3rd

A. Front Squat @ 55%- 10 x 2 EMOM; focus on speed out of the hole
Did all @ 155 
B. Power Snatch.Hang Squat Snatch.Squat Snatch- 1.1.1 x 4; 3 min
   (focus on fast second pull and speed under the bar, moderate load NO failed reps)
125,135,135,135... shoulders a bit tight...  
C. Power Cl & Jerk Ladder- 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 unbroken for time @ 135
2:36, a litle mad about rest time but overall ok with it.

For time
Row 250m
15 KBS, 70#
25 Burpees
15 KBS, 70#
Row 250m

 Time- 4:05
A little slower on the burpees than I am usually but mostly the slow down happened at 125m on the last row....rowed into a HUGE brick wall. I think the cold has my breathing messed up and no oxygen got to my legs and OUCH....oh well...all UB and I know I can go faster!

March 2nd


AMRAP 10 min
30 Snatch @75, 30 Snatch @135, 30 Snatch @165, 30 Snatch @210

65 Reps

March 1st

Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1
15 min practice skills for Open WOD and Mobility
Air Dyne 10 min @ Z1

Mostly some Mobility and Z1...a few snatches @ 75