Sunday, May 29, 2011


Ok, here is the link to the Zone Diet block sheet. This points out how many blocks are in what foods. Once you know how many blocks a day you will need it is all on here!!! Next Sunday I will be cooking and putting all my meals in to blocks and having a go at ZONE!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28th 2011

A little play time at last years sectionals!! That is my size Push Press...haha

So I am taking the week off and working on a plan for this next season. I am going to get back to learning and practice!

Things to ensure prior to comps:
1. taper off, but keep a sense of readiness
2. food on day of, light, early and only as needed
3. wear comfy gear always
4. expect the unexpected - for travel, rooms, showers, water...allow room for errors
5. always walk the course, track, area day before -visualize
6. countdown to the start minute by minute with checks for bathroom, breathing, physical warm ups...etc...i.e. 60 min beofore light carbs, 45 min prior bathroom, etc...up to comp
7. stay warm and active and ready before hand
8. keep your cool, never allow fear to lead your path
9. be ready for the start a ways out
10. trust in yourself

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26th 2011

OLD PICTURE....about a year ago.
Thinking back on the training this year. Now that Regionals is here I am not happy sitting at home. So I have been thinking a bunch about what I need to do to get better. June 1st starts strict eating and training...not sure what that is yet but I am thinking Zone more than Paleo and working on my training!!!


1. 4 Rounds
5 Deadlift @ 275
2 Rope Climb
10 Burpee

TIME: 4:46

May 25th 2011

Garage Games 2011 !!

1. For Time:
800m Run
25 Wall Ball @ 25
25 Ring Dip
400m Run
20 WB
20 RD
200m Run
15 WB
15 RD

TIME: 13:03

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24th 2011

Took 2 days off and hit some rehab on the wrist.
Today was rough...

1 Mile Run
100 Pull up
200 Push up
300 Squat
1 Mile Run

TIME: 33:32 (1st time with NO vest)

2. Dagget
5 Rounds with 25lb Vest
200m Run
10 KBS @ 70
10 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21st 2011

Park WOD with some members today

3 Rounds
200m Run (aprox)
15 Pull-ups
Plank/50 KBS (with partner @ 53)

We think 11-12min....

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20th 2011

1. 7x2 Power Snatch (focus on form)

2. 1,000m Row @ 80%
TIME: 3:52

3. "AMRAP" 10 Min
10 Back Squat @ 135
15 GHD Sit-ups
30 Double-unders

SCORE: 5 Rounds 10 Squats

May 19th 2011

REST DAY...Kinda!
Did some fence building early am..

PM. Therapy @ Back to Fitness
3x10 Sole Press @150
3x10 Upsidedown Squats
3x10 Hanging Sit-ups
30 Minute Therapy on wrist

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18th 2011

1. AMRAP 5 Minute of:
5 Pullups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

SCORE- 8 Rounds

-Rest 10 min-

2. For time:
60 Wall Ball @ 20
50 Box Jump @ 30
40 KBS @ 70
30 Toes-2-bar
20 Push Press @ 115
10 Muscle-ups

TIME- 18:13

-Rest 10 Min-

3. 6 Sets
20 Sec Row Sprint
1 Min Rest

METERS- 109 / 109 / 109 / 106 / 105 / 108

LONG DAY.....That cchipper sucked bad and I rested WAY TO LONG!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17th 2011

A little grocery shopping today and ready to eat!! Long day...
I traded an early am run in for doing some re-building in town. We got to fix a fence for a lady in Alberta followed by lunch and a WOD...Good day!
Hit the Docs post WOD for some wrist rehab as well, hope to be all better soon!

1. 3 Rounds
10 Stone Cleans @ 93 (wanted it to be faster and lighter so didn't go 116)
20 Pistols (10/10 anyhow) ...had my heel on a weight..AKA..DO MOBILITY
30 Pull-ups

Within 5 min after completion:
1RM Squat Clean

Time: 9:33 / 220 on Squat Clean

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16th 2011

AM..Back to it.
1. Clean Pulls were a little heavier than usual and they felt good!
2. AMRAP felt good, Games style push ups hurt BAD!! Got 5rds+20 Swings

Not happy with the numbers and more mad of how I felt, keeping up that mobility.....back and legs get real tight when I run.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15th 2011

Took the weekend off and did some LONG work on mobility. Here is a video from that I focused on today. This guy is the man... check out his site!

May 13th 2011

Glare again....
1. 5x3 Deadlift touch and go, working on form here. I have a 435 max but unhappy with lighter high rep positioning. Did theses at 275,295,315,315,315
2. All unbroken and felt good
3. To be done @ 80-85% and may have been a little slower....

May 12th 2011

Mobility and rest day

May 11th 2011

Back Squat felt heavy after those weighted lunges this week!! :)

Only completed 2 rounds of that first WOD. My calf and shin hurting and locking up bad. Think it is due to hamstring mobitlity which is why I will be working an that a bunch! Oh well....try again.

May 10th 2011

Stupid Glare....I will type it as well!
1. 5x2 Clean Pull at 265 (rest 90 sec)
2. 5x3 Unbroken Hang Power Snatch @ 105 (rest 60 sec)
3.)5x2 Snatch Pull @ 185 (rest 90 sec)
4.) 4 Rounds at 70% of:
50 Unbroken DU's
10 Unbroken Hang Power Snatch @ 85

May 9th 2011

No #1 due to a wrist injury.
2K row felt right at the 80-85% mark and good strokes per minute.
In PM WOD lateral jumps were with a pvc between two 24 inch boxes and each jump was a rep.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Back to the drawing board.

Last week I was back to training after a week and a half off. After the finish of the OPEN lots of chainsaw work was done and no WOD's. I am training a little different and plan to try to head to another Garage Games series in August. No Regionals for me as I finished 73rd in the Open. It was close, but that doesn't count. I will spend TONS of time now on mobility and my weaknesses as far as time domains. I will continue training Powerlifting moves as well. Most of my workouts will be from Brandon Phillips but some will be my own programing. I will post last weeks WOD's soon! Goals in training will be to increase work over the longer time domain and still increase my Powerlifting movements and gain mobility.