Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wee 4

Monday- Squat Intense + Squat Clean & Jerk Intense/Stamina + Core
A. Back Squat @ 33X1; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 4 min 
B. Squat Clean & Jerk- build to a single (1RM if it's feeling good)
235...felt pretty bad today in the jerk
C. 8 min AMRAP- Power Clean & Jerk w/ 90% of above
@210, hit 15 reps...jerk seemed to hurt today and take a lot of effort, missed 2 reps
D. Wtd Side Bridge- 45 sec/side x 5/side; rest 45 sec b/w sides
with a vest these were BAD!!!

Tuesday- CP Battery - Bending/Oly/Gymnastics Tester
8 min AMRAP
5 Dead Lift, 315
5 Muscle Ups
5 Rounds...OUCH...muscle failure
10 min rest
5 rounds for time
5 Power Clean, 205lbs
5 HSPU- 5" Defecit
Time: 7:56 all UB kipping HSPU and missed one Power clean...the last one..

Wednesday- A.M. 60-90 sec Sprint + Tester P.M. Swim
For Up to 8 min
20 Wall Ball EMOM
Made it through 6 sets, maybe should have gone again but think UB would not have happened
For Up to 8 min
15 CTB Pull Ups EMOM
4 sets, mostly the shoulder pain here again....its bad..gonna have it looked at

Swim 25m/min for 20 min

Thursday- Skill Session/Mobility
60 min
Swim, Row, or AD for a total of 20 min
Rest of the time work on mobility, HS Walking, L-sit, Pistols, Triple Unders, OHS, Etc.

Friday- OHS Intense + Snatch Intense + Snatch Stamina
A. OHS @ 33X1; 6, 3, 1, 1; rest 3 min
B. Squat Snatch- 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min(a bit higher than last week, max if it feels good)
C. Squat Snatch Cluster- TnG 3.3.3 x 5; rest 2 min (@ 135, take a little longer rest if you have to but try to get all unbroken as RX'd)

Saturday- MAP Multi 10/5 P.M. Mobility
15 min AMRAP
15 KBS, 70lbs
15 Burpees

Up to 45 min Mobility work- focus on ankles and shoulders

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