Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27th

30 min trail run
Good run Z1 pace, felt good

3 sets; rest 4 min
3 rope climbs
4 deadlifts heavy.
40m prowler sprint @ 200
Deadlifts felt heavy after the rope climbs. Went al sets at 295, could have went up a little but decided to keep the form good and stay with 295. Sled felt REALLY HEAVY!

-rest 10 min-
3 sets; rest 3 min
2 stone cleans @ 143
6 bounding box hurdles
10 clapping push ups
This was fun...stone was heavy but good stuff.

2x max distance farmer carry with 70's (mental game)
First walk was 180m or so and the second one was 230m or so. It hurt and I held on as long as I could for sure the second time, I like this stuff at end of WOD to help mentally.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26th

Ok, back to the diet and training for two more weeks on my own to get into the routine with the new baby and truing than back with coach for some pain. So I am mixing in some of my own programming with some gym WOD's to hit some stuff with the class. Most importunity I am getting back to a solid eating schedule!

A. 8x2 box squat (rest 2 min)
B. 6x2 PC from blocks mid thigh (rest 2 min)
C1. 5x3 Split jerk w/ 3 sec pause in split ( rest 10 sec)
C2. 5x12-15 reverse hypers (rest 2 min)
all 15's

5 sets; rest 3 min
5 UB Thrusters Heavy
max rep UB muscle-ups
145/6 - 155/7 - 155/6 - 155/5 - 155/5
800m sandbag carry @ 80
10 min Z1 burpees
Did 127, slow pace but goal was only to stay moving and it is something I NEED to help mentally keep going. Want to do something like this 2-3 times a week.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13th

A. Hang Squat Clean & Split Jerk- build to heavy 1 quickly-
Hit 230 and wasn't to bad so went to 240, got the HSC but missed jerk...mental I think. Felt good. Knee still bothering me a bit but didn't seem to hold me back. 
That is a PR HSC for sure... 
B. Hang Squat Clean @ 165- 5 x max reps TnG; rest 3 min
7,7,7,8,7...grip the worst part here 
C. Push Press @ 165- 3 x max reps; rest 3 min
C2. Toes to Bar- 75 for time
3:48....think I was WORN OUT...haha 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12th

5 sets; rest 3 min
18 sec Prowler Sprint w/ 125#
Done, good 
3 sets; rest 5 min
15 Burpees AFAP
25 Sec Air Dyne Sprint
OUCH...all 50 seconds and they hurt... 
10 sets
Row 500m @ high aerobic effort
Row 100m @ recovery pace
Most of the 500's were 1:52 to 1:57 and one or two were 2 min....felt bad after these two weeks off and a sinus infection...hope it feels better soon!

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11th

A. Tall Snatch- build to a tough 1 in 10 min
*no jumping, just pulling under the bar 
B. Snatch Balance- 2 reps on the min for 10 minutes- add/set (start @ 75, increase by 10lbs/min, get under the bar FAST.  Try to catch it lower than last week and ride it down faster)
75,85,95,105,115,125,135,145,155,165...all felt good. 
C. High Hang Squat Snatch- 3 x 3; rest 2 min (not touch and go) SPEED under the bar
@125x2, 125,135...last two sets felt good 
D. Split Jerk- 1/min @ 75% x 7 minutes
Felt good and fast 
E. Dead Lift @ 13X1; 3 reps @ 60% x 8; EMOM
F. Russian KBS; 5 x 18 reps @ 88#; rest 2 min
Felt good, did with 90